Monday, February 13, 2012

What ground cover or flowers could I use to cover the area around a big pot?

The area where I am putting in a veggie garden has a big stump in the corner. I have figured out a way to have half the area for veggies and the other part for flowers. I've already gotten some morning glories to go up a trellis over there and I was thinking about putting a big pot of flowers on top of where the stump is now. The stump will be ground level, so you wouldn't even be able to see it when I finish everything up. What else could I plant over in that area that the roots from the stump would bother? Thanks so much!

What ground cover or flowers could I use to cover the area around a big pot?
Ivy won't be put off by a few giant roots.

Or go with things which can compete and spread: obediant plant, adenaphora (any of them, I like bullyana), any of the mints, perhaps calamintha or nepeta. Actually, any of the perennial herbs would be fine with shallow soil full of roots.
Reply:You can put in hens and chickens. No stump would bother them. Be careful of mints because if they are not contained, they will spread right into your veggies. You could try lavender. Mine spread beautifully but does not take over. Candytuft could look good too and does not spread nearly as fast as mints or oregano. There is also creeping yellow sedum which always looks good. And if you have sun with shade, you could always try bush sweet peas. They are so pretty but won't do well if in a totally sunny spot.
Reply:Here are some good suggestions:

Liatris: ,

Zinnia: ,

Yarrow: ,

and Russian or Mexican Sage: ,

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