Friday, January 27, 2012

Hyacinth (flower).........................

I planted a few Hyacinth (blue, Jacinto) in my flower bed. According to the care instructions it said part sun, medium water which I followed exactly..They bloomed and were very attractive then the buds died and now they are just green leaves in my garden. Will they bloom again or should I just remove them from the garden all together?

Hyacinth (flower).........................
When you plant bulbs such as a hyacinth, you get an early spring bloom, then as the bloom dies off you are left with green leaves which will soon yellow and dissipate. However, just leave them where they are--you don't even have to water them. I grew some in a pot in my office and after they bloomed and died off, I didn't water the plant until I saw them sprouting the next spring and they came up pink, blue, and white--I'd just put a little bulb food on them along with some mulch to keep away bugs.
Reply:Leave the leaves alone. They are solar collectors, storing energy to the bulb below. When the leaves yellow, pull them off.......carefully. Next spring the plant will send up new flowers. Bulbs are generally once blooming per year.
Reply:It will bloom every year, but don't expect it to be blue unless you have exactly the right PH balance to the soil. Try adding some beach sand to the soil around the plant. Out here they only bloom blue (or pink) naturally on Cape Cod. Inland they are all white.

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