Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why do teachers at school pay more attention when children's parents are professional people.?

I can remember when I was still in school it use to upset me when there was a play or concert and all the children with professional parents got main parts or supporting parts and the "normal" "everyday" kids gets parts like flowers or trees where you hardly move let alone say anything. I think that is very unfair for I know of a lot of kids which had potential but was never noticed, I mean what about myself, nobody can act like me.

Why do teachers at school pay more attention when children's parents are professional people.?
i dont know that this is necessarily true with ALL teachers...but i will go along with it, just for the sake of argument.

teachers pay more attention to professional parents because they know that the professional parents are well educated. they know that their professionalism and job performance are being judged by the parents and that these parents are more likely to call the school board or principal if their child is not treated fairly (or special, in some cases) because these parents will ensure that their claims are listened to and followed through on...they know how to make things happen, and in many cases they have the financial means to back it up.

Parents who are not professionals are not as scary to the teacher. They don't have as much money and the teacher may assume that since they are not professionals that they are lazy. The teacher may also assume that the parents are not as educated and that they may not know how to go about rectifying a class situation should one occur.

However, all of this is based on assumption, like your question. You are assuming that the teacher is paying more attention to the more educated parents. Unless you have seen the teacher's interactions with *ALL* the other parents, you can't assume this. If may be some other reason entirely.
Reply:sorry, let me clarify. some parents feel if their kids are not treated better than others, then they are being treated worse, there is no equal. and some parents have the money and the power to ensure that their kids get the best of everything, no matter what :) Report Abuse kids get left out, because the teacher wants to stay on the good side of the better off parents ;) Report Abuse
Reply:when dealing with professional parents they more then likely feel that they are being judged by their peers and when dealing with parents that are not professionals they have a feeling of being superior because of their education level unfair yes normal yes

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