Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Explain the structure or part of angiosprmic flowers?

Flowers, which are the reproductive structures of an angiosperm and consist of four whorls of modified leaves (from outside in) :-

Sepals (which collectively are called the calyx), are often small and green but are coloured like the petals in tulips and lilies, and which generally enclose the flower before it opens

Petals (which collectively are called the corolla) are often brightly coloured to attract pollinators (insects, birds, etc.) and may be very simple to highly modified

Stamens- the “male” reproductive organs (they make microspores which turn into male gametophytes), which consist of a stalk (the filament) and a tip (the anther) where the microspores are produced and turn into pollen (anthe = flower)

Pistil or carpel, which consists of:

Ovary (egg)- the bottom end where seeds are produced

Style the “stalk” portion

Stigma- .the outer, sticky tip where pollen sticks when it lands or is placed there

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