This is part of an article about the Bee Orchid. "Bees in the past have caused the evolution of bee orchids. Male bees, over many generations of cumulative orchid evolution, have built up the bee-like shape through trying to copulate with flowers, and hence carrying pollen."
A flower without eyes, or ears, or anything that we are aware of. How did its DNA know what a Bee looked like when it evolved to look like one? What is really going on around us?
Can DNA be activated wirelessly? How does DNA know to evolve?
Many flowers have co-evolved with their pollinating insects. Darwin's theory observes that there is a great deal of normal variation in the natural state-- in this case there are many slightly different variations of this orchid, some more and some less likely to attract bees, or to get the pollen where it will stick to the bee. The flowers that looked more like a bee had an advantage in terms of natural selection; they had more male bee visitors and were therefore more successful at reproduction. At first, the resemblance may have been slight, but it was enough to give that flower a reproductive advantage, and over numerous generations, the orchid became more and more bee-like.
No psychic magic! (Just a long, long process....)
Reply:Darwins theories explain it quite well. Enough said.
Reply:IMO this is the deepest question I have ever read on here.
Not only would I be hard-pressed to come up with a theory, but it seems to me that the philosophy section may not be the best place to look for one.
IMO quantum mechanics has the equipment necessary to bring about such an evolution and not necessarily over ages and ages. The creative energy which we operate on is the same whether in the animal or plant world. Vibrations are vibrations in much the same way that Dna is Dna. Yellow and brown stripes, let`s say, are yellow and brown stripes whether it is on an animal or a plant. That part of the code is more or less the same. Just to add a little titillation to this all, desire is the name of the game. This also applies from one-celled amoebae, to humans, to plants. I admire your interest.
P.S. Wirelessly? No problem. Do it all the time while healing.
Reply:The plants with the structures survived better than the plants without, so they reproduced more often.
Reply:Life is what it is.
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