Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What vine should I choose for my arbor?

My husband and I have converted part of our deck into an arbor, and we want to grow some vines up and around it. It's part of our deck, so we don't want something that's going to take over, but we definitely want the top beams covered. My husband wants a flowering vine, and I just want something that's going to look good even when it's not in bloom! We live in Zone 5.

What vine should I choose for my arbor?
I have a grape vine on my arbor. This year the freeze killed lots of first growth on fruit trees and grape vines, so I got another one and have it starting just in case my old one does not pull through. Muscadine grows really well,I live in Arakansas, so does concord. Wisteria is good too I have one on a frame, I love vines, and have some morning glory, purple hyacinth bean, scarlett runner, moon flower and some other red vine mixed in with the scarlett runner. Good luck
Reply:Hops are nice grow fast, big leaves and the smell of the hops is real soothing. Just cut them back in the fall, after you've picked all the cones and saved them to make beer, and mulch up well. I live in Zone 5 too. I know a real sunny arbor where they'll grow 8 feet a month, all summer long. Technically they do flower but it's not real spectacular.
Reply:How about Jasmine. If you grow a combination of Star Jasmine (white) and Winter Jasmine vine (yellow) you will have aromatic flowers in late spring/early summer and bright cheerful flowers in winter. They are evergreen so you won't have to look at bare vines. They look good even when they are not blooming. They also tolerate 110 degree heat and 24 degree cold snaps without being affected.
Reply:My husband built a pergola for our deck and we planted a silver lace vine (just one) and in two years, it was up and over the top of the deck...heavenly...but it wasn't so heavenly. For us at least. It turned out that it was dropping leaves and spent flowers all over my new outdoor furniture and it was a mess! I was constantly sweeping and cleaning the table and the chairs. I would recommend this vine for beauty and coverage, but not if you want it tidy. I would imagine that any vine would cause this problem, so be careful what you ask for you just might get

We took ours out.
Reply:I have lattice by my pool and I plant morning glorys. Some flowers will open at night and some open in the morning. I planted 10 seeds acrossed 4 feet area grew right up in no time, Don't forget to snip a tad off with nail clippers and put in warm water overnight before you plant them. Snipping before you put in water will allow them to sprout faster(sometimes overnight). Plant just under the dirt maybe 1/4 in. I got tons of compliments on how beautiful they were. It gives a privacy wall. Be careful with what you pick remember alot of vines that flower and smell will bring bees. ants etc. Didn't seem to have that problem with the Morning Glorys....good
Reply:I would probably go with a wisteria, they only boolm in spring but the blooms smell wonderful and are so pretty.
Reply:A moon flower vine would be nice especially if you spend time at night on your deck. They bloom at night and smell good. You would need to nick the seeds the same as morning glories and soak them overnight.

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