Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have an empty lot and want to turn it into a beautiful garden for the whole neighbourhood to enjoy?

The soil is only subsoil so the first thing is to bring in some really good earth..... then what? I'd like to turn part into a veg. garden and I also want a sitting area with lots of flowers, shrubs and trees. What should I do this fall to get the project off to a good start? What are the first things I should plant? We won't be able to get a grader in for three more weeks. Can I put compost on now or will it all wash away by next year? Should I keep it in the bin until next year?

I have an empty lot and want to turn it into a beautiful garden for the whole neighbourhood to enjoy?
Hello, It is clear that you are, perhaps, British. I was once married to a man from England. If not, then you are European of some sort. Your question is broad, and, while I do have your answer in my head, it would be quite lengthy. Since you seem to be trying to do a lot, may I suggest going in phases.

I love your idea, since the world needs more beautiful spots. And, there is no better way to accomplish this than with plantings.

Like I said, lengthy answer, many things to consider, such as sun/shade, drainage, drought tolerance, height, width, acidity level, etc. Since you have internet access, type in what you are curious about, and begin from there. And, I cannot stress enough to go in phases. Talk around, until you find someone who knows design. Then, by all means, involve the neighbors. It is quite costly to create your vision. I do applaud you for having the idea. Like the others said, get others involved. Then, let me know. If I could fly over there, I would pitch in, because there is way too much ugly in this world. We all need to bring forth more beauyt.
Reply:if i was you i would try to get the kids in the neighbor hood involved i know when i was growing up my grand father was in the lumber business running 2 sawmills for shoring timber for the coal mines....he got the boy scouts interested in planting trees that where removed he just had to buy trees.........that went on for over 20 yrs...for your project you may even get city council help with plant and trees.......or you could even rent small little plots for the neighbors to plant vegetables..not to make a big profit but to help with taxes.....there are so many options.....i would wait on compost....god bless you for want to give something back instead of taking away....
Reply:No,it would be good to fertlize it now then again inthe spring.Next spring turn the soil and fertilize it again.
Reply:Sounds like a great idea. Can you put compost down now and get it tilled in? Have the soil tested to find out what you need to add to have success with vegetables. And..may I suggest that you check with your insurance company. This is your land and you are opening it up to a lot of people and where there are people their are accidents.
Reply:I know this doesn't really answer your question, but I applaud your idea of a "neighborhood" garden. I've often thought that my church should do the same in the empty lot next door. We could all take turns tending it, and it might produce enough vegetables to feed a family or three or four. Best of luck to you.
Reply:like you said get good top soil, fertilize it, determine where you are going to put the garden or gardens mark it off plant grass early early in the fall you'll have to make sure it gets watered good so it gets good and healthy before winter eventually if you would like to change things you can work around the grass because if you don't get any grass in there after the top soil and you have bad drainage or even good drainage you might as well kiss the top soil good-bye
Reply:Why don't you get the schools involved or church groups or elderly people (who would have tons of advice, but don't have the back power )
Reply:You did not say anything about the drainage. If if you are on a slope, and it rains a lot, you might want to hold off on fertilizing early. Bless you for thinking of this project.
Reply:Sounds like a very ambitious and rewarding project! I wish I could offer some practical gardening advice, unfortunately not however.

Best of luck!!!

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