Friday, January 27, 2012

Annual flowers that can live in part sun/part shade?

My backyard is a mix of sun and shade. Full shade flowers like impatiens get to much sun there, while full sun flowers like putunia's and vinca's cant get enough sun. Other than begonia's are there any other compact type annual flowers that I could concider?

Annual flowers that can live in part sun/part shade?
I have the same dilemma as our garden faces west and gets the hotter afternoon sun. Impatients are my favorites, but the sun and heat is too much. Last year we tried the New Guinea Impatients with much sucess, we got so many compliments that we will be planting them again. Other low height annuals are Alyssum, and Dianthus which offers lots of reliable color that has also worked well in our, part sun/part shade garden.
Reply:Browallia grows in full or partial sun. The flowers are blue or white, and they brow to be 12 " to 15" in height. Maintenance is low. Coleus is good in shade, and the foliage is chartreuse, apricot, copper and bronze. Cosmos thrives in full to partial sun.

Try using Miracle Grow soil. It's not too expensive, and it feeds the flowers for 3 months. They bloom like crazy.
Reply:Some hostas thrive on part sun and shade and they come back prettier than ever
Reply:I have had great luck with petunias and marigolds - they are hardy, will handle the heat, and will make you smile everythime you look at them!

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